Product Development Team: Structure & Role

As we mentioned earlier, stakeholders are the people who have an interest in the final product, can influence the process of product management and development, and are involved in decision-making. In product management, stakeholders can be clients, investors, even developers and users of a product — or all of them combined. When the strategy is ready, the product manager has to communicate it to the product team and the stakeholders. A product manager has to be focused on customers and stakeholders at the same time. And though a customer always must be a product manager’s priority, maintaining efficient working relationships with stakeholders is also important.

product development team

Under this structure, a product manager will own responsibility for all strategic aspects of a given product. This might include market research, forecasting, budgeting, prioritizing features, working with the marketing and sales teams on messaging, and of course, overseeing product development. Effectively scaling a product team requires more than hiring additional product managers. For example, how will all the individuals on your team work together?


When Yamaha threatened its leadership position in the Japanese market in 1982, Honda unleashed some 30 new motorcycle models within a six-month period. Black & Decker recently unveiled 50 new power tool products at the National Hardware Show in Chicago to compete more effectively with Japanese power tool makers. A portable Brother printer—the EP-20—was developed in less than two years. It took the company more than four years to develop an earlier model.

This includes branding, sales, and analysis of customer feedback. This is one of the most straightforward ways to grow a product team. But a company oriented toward engineering—above, say, marketing—runs the risk of becoming too inward-looking. Such a company might focus on technical elegance, for example, instead of whether that product can achieve a market fit. Once your initial testing is complete, you’re ready to begin producing the final product concept and launch it to your customer base. To go live with a new product, you first need to validate and test it.

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This process helps break down tasks and organize cross-departmental collaboration. Among the three key product development roles, the product manager is the most critical to the success of a product development team. At a smaller company, the product manager could be the president/CEO as well.

  • I’m sure that by this point you noticed that design is a big part of product development and product management concepts.
  • This makes it tough to get everyone working on the product on the same page and agree on what customers want and how will you accomplish it.
  • In the agile setup, the product manager leads all the specific teams and works closely with each one.
  • The product marketing team in coordination with product management and organizational leadership defines the timelines of the product launch.
  • An effective product strategy defines the main features of a product, users and their needs, and key performance indicators that the product must meet.

The self-organizing character of the team produces a unique dynamic or rhythm. Also, while the project team starts from “zero information,” each member soon begins to share knowledge about the marketplace and the technical community. The individual’s rhythm and the group’s rhythm begin to overlap, creating a whole new pulse. This pulse serves stages of team development as the driving force and moves the team forward. This new emphasis on speed and flexibility calls for a different approach for managing new product development. Instead, a holistic or “rugby” approach—where a team tries to go the distance as a unit, passing the ball back and forth—may better serve today’s competitive requirements.

How to create a product development plan

The roadmap aids in identifying what goals should be developed first. Implementation teams create schedules, break down significant portions of the project into sprints and generate iterations of the product. Product designers answer user experience questions by working with the team to develop prototypes of the product and to test them. Third, management should assign a different mission to new product development. Most companies have treated it primarily as a generator of future revenue streams.

product development team

They are continuously observing the organization’s performance in terms of KPI and metrics and have developed an early alarming system in case of an unexpected and unlikely situation. Project management is very important when working on a new project. Using effective project management, an organization can deliver its projects at the right time and within a defined budget. We can help you design user-centered and cost-effective software that meets your goals. In addition, marketing people are responsible for launching the product and keeping the users engaged with the product.

What is a product manager?

The test engineers are responsible for testing the product before launching it to market. Although the activities of product managers and marketing managers often coincide, note this big difference — a PM is heavily involved in product development. Your main objectives will be learning to understand development workflows, technology, and successful communication with the engineering team. Since on many projects marketing professionals aren’t expected to directly engage with the tech side, you’ll have to initiate conversations and apply the skills you already have. Having knowledge of issues customers face every day, you can offer your own solutions and estimate how much time and engineering effort solving them will take.

product development team

Engineers and the product manager need a good relationship so they can share ideas and solutions. Large companies developing multiple products under multiple managers have a lead product manager who coordinates department efforts. A project team consisting of members with varying functional specializations, thought processes, and behavior patterns carries out new product development. The Honda team, for example, consisted of hand-picked members from R&D, production, and sales. The company went a step further by placing a wide variety of personalities on the team.

The vision can be articulated during a brainstorm or may be based on a backlog of ideas. The product development team takes the requirements specified by the product manager and fashions them into a working product that meets the organization’s quality standards. Under this product team structure, you will leverage your product managers’ different skill sets across multiple products.

Product Roadmap: Key Features, Types, Building Tips, and Roadmap Examples

The first thing that a product manager does is see the opportunity to develop a new successful product or improve an existing one, adding necessary features to it. The product manager must be aware of current trends and have a deep understanding of the market to make the right decisions when a company decides how to build or improve a product. This person is also responsible for the outcome of a product launch. If we were to compare product management to a road, the vision is both a road sign and a destination. It defines the final product and shows the direction towards achieving it. It’s not a strategy of product development yet, but this is where the strategy development starts with idea management when a team discusses a new product.

Market research and customer understanding

Specifically, they use the initiative roadmap to show high-level goals and milestones that a company has an interest in. Unlike the project manager, this professional role does not work to drive a single deliverable. His Their basic duty is to ensure that projects complement one another to promote the achievement of overall business objectives.

The functions of product managers are a lot wider as they have the ultimate responsibility for product creation — with marketing being a part of it. As we’ve already said, they work together with a product marketing manager to create the clear understanding of potential customers. All this crucial information is then used for developing the needed product features and optimizing the UX — to reach the right audience. While there’s no single set of KPIs and responsibilities for a product manager, they usually include monetization, user engagement, and the level of user satisfaction. If you’re interested in joining a product team, start with Dribbble’s Certified 16-Week Product Design Course. You’ll learn more about UX design and UI design, complete projects for your product design portfolio, and find out how to craft an effective resume.

Product managers’ responsibilities are divided not by product—but according to their skills.

Let your team easily design, collaborate, and present from low-fidelity wireframes to fully-interactive prototypes. In some companies, the development team enjoys considerable independence from the executives. The team, also referred to as a squad, has the most say in what to produce.

One example is Sears who saw an 8.5% increase in hourly sales within 18 months of introducing the system. And those results have been repeated by numerous other companies who have done the same thing. The way that you encourage these behaviors is by clearly communicating a vision for where you want the product and the team to go. Everyone is looking to the leaders for this clarity and it helps to ensure that everyone is pulling in the same direction and working towards achieving the same goal. Without this alignment, your culture is left to the whims of the lowest common denominator and that can be very harmful to overall team dynamics.

Prioritization is an important responsibility of the product manager at the stage of roadmap preparation. The objectives, aims, and activities must range from the most to the least important. An external product roadmap is usually less complicated and is created for stake- or shareholders, potential and existing customers, investors, etc. Creating user personas means describing fictional characters that represent the user types that can have interest in the future product. User personas can include such information as age, gender, education level, average income, life goals, common problems, spending habits, etc. Outbound activities are oriented toward the marketing of a product and its sales.

Actually, 60 percent of product managers admit that their best ideas came directly from customer feedback. Market research is important for new product development, both at the stage of execution and the stage of marketing and sales. With its help, a company can understand what customers want and develop a strategy that will allow for making a successful product.

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